Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Our Little Bits that can make the Big Difference!

Do we need a film like 2012 or the media frenzy around Copenhagen to realise that we are headed towards “Doomsday”?

Don’t we realise by simply stepping out of our houses or even looking out of our windows at anytime of the day to know how fucked up we are?

It’s raining in November! The winter is delayed and severe! Last year people embarrassingly wore sweaters in the day in Mumbai!!! Summers are getting hotter!

Government is announcing housing schemes but without water supply!!!What happened to the three basic needs of man?? Basic food crops are scarce and prises are sky rocketing!

We are multiplying at a frantic pace and the place to hold all of us is shrinking!!
These are major problems that seem scarier and far fetched when looked as a whole but what if we break it down into tiny bits and pieces and begin to make the change that’ll benefit us all? It then seems truly simple and manageable.

Why get all hyper about switching off our lights for an hour- once in a year??? Why not do it for 10 minutes every day??? Likewise I was just going through an average day and came up with certain tiny bits of change that make a big difference.

I first applied it to my life for a week and believe me they not only contribute towards the big picture but most importantly make you feel better......A little respite for the otherwise guilt conscious!

A few simple things that i did without any major adjustments to my life-

Switch off the lights as you leave the room- without fail and at all times!
While brushing your teeth - Keep the tap off while you are brushing- every single day and night!
Skip the shower in the morning; use the bucket. I am still discounting the luxury of having a shower at the end of a tiring day. If you can skip that too- great!
Walk all short distances around the house for any chore- grocery store, for a smoke to the paan wala, to the gym, etc.

Instead of each member of the family taking a different glass for water why not share glasses or use bottles and drink without soiling them? Saves water and effort!
Treat the work place as your own- only as far as power consumption is concerned! Switch off the comps/ laptops for the lunch break. Put them on sleep mode for the smoke breaks.

Before switching on the AC or any lights just pause and ask- Do I really need it? If not then… J
I guess the point has been drawn and hate preaching but tiny adaptations are the need of the hour and if I have succeeded in it, I am sure each of us can.

It’s worth it. Keep it simple. Keep it minimal. Keep it consistent. Lets not spoil ourselves and screw the future…what say?

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