Thursday, May 16, 2013

The onus is on us, Whats the rush to Judge?

Give us any news, especially a bad one and just watch out for our tendency to react and worst still- to judge!

It does not matter whether we have our facts right or have any facts at all. All the same we have a sharp and strong reaction to fire off.

Be it matters of national consequences like the coal scandal and spectrum scams or matters concerning our neighbors dog; the moment we are in the know- how of any extreme news, we are ready to react and often negatively at that!

This morning all the news channels have been howling about the three players of Rajasthan Royals being arrested for spot fixing in IPL and the world has reacted! Most have a definite take and judgment on the issue. I wonder how many have the facts!

The most ridiculous part is that some even seem scandalized by the horrendous nature of the development!!! How naïve is it after 6 years of IPL to be scandalized by any nefarious development concerning the event?  Being surprised by the wrong doings that go on behind the glamor veil of the IPL is like being surprised on learning smoking may cause cancer or that our PM is meek!
Albeit, my issue is not as much with the IPL here but it is with ‘our’ tendency to pass judgment on anything and everything without even taking a brief moment to reflect and revaluate the truth.

There is nothing that one can expect from the media except sensationalism and jarring headlines.  They pick up scandals, scream about them, pretend to care until the next scandal

And in the midst of all this noise the truth, I have come to believe is never revealed to the common man ever! It keeps trickling in over time and by the time the whole of it is revealed, the interest on the issue is lost, judgments passed and another “Breaking News” announced!

The truth remains ensconced among the guilty who roam scot-free and continue to pollute the society with a straight face and shameless soul.

The onus for sanity thus falls on “us”- the viewers, the outsiders to hold our reactions and judgments until the facts are known… and the facts are never known overnight.

Until the next “Breaking News” then…

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

There ain’t any logic in life!!

“I am feeling low”, said a friend to me, a few years back. We were in college then… which means this was… ah! Never mind!

“So? Don’t feel it yaar”, I retorted back, “Feel something else”

He looked at me in a strange way, waved his hand and walked away.

“Huh?”, I thought and I walked on too.

I could never fathom what the whole fuss about being ‘sad’ was all about!! I mean if you ever want to feel anything then why not feel happy??

It was that time of my life when everything was going right. Of course there were times when things went wrong but then you simply addressed them, corrected them and moved on. Where was there time to ponder let alone brood over a feeling???!!

Things have changed now! Yes in between that time and now a lot of “life” happened!! (If you know what I mean- huh? Huh?)

Yeah… So now I know what the fuss is all about.

I do know now that at times there is nothing much you can do about a feeling but feel it!... and at times even suffer it!! For all those dudes like me from my younger day- its true!!

Of course! There is the theory about choosing your feelings and being whom you want to be and picking yourself up and moving on but HEY!!... Its easier said than done!!

Whoever thought about taking the horse to the pond and yet the horse not drinking water was not kidding!! But then whoever also said and wrote that theory about picking yourself up and moving on was not kidding either!!

The “twist” in this so far confusing tale called life as such comes down to one critical thing- “Timing!!”

It is unexplainable and hence makes complete sense. To feel sad from happy and happy from sad is so much more about timing than just about you!

A similar incident on a certain occasion may not even scar you but the same incident at another time may break you to pieces! Whats the logic? Well.. There isn’t! and hence it is “Life”.

Search “logic” in life and you might as well search God in religion!! Oops! Yeah… that’s for another time! J

Know me through my choices!

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