Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Are you reading the ‘Signs’ that are meant for you?

It was Paulo Coelho’s “The Alchemist” that first brought the “power of the universe” to my notice sometime in early 2000.

When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it”, the book said.

Shah Rukh Khan of course went on to popularize the lines thereafter in Farah Khan’s 2007 mega block buster Om Shaanti Om…. But prior to ‘The Alchemist’, I had never known of such a notion. A notion that suggests, the universe is out there to help us.

Lately, I have just finished reading “The Celestine Prophecy”. A 1993 book by James Redfield that again talks about the psychological and spiritual ramifications of the human energy and the cosmos on human destiny!

There are no Co-incidences”, the book says. Everything!... even the most insignificant illogical event happens to us for a reason. We, however, are too preoccupied to see this reason and hence are mostly disconnected with the universe that intends to guide us- all the time!

From the time we were born we have had people to please, exams to pass, admission to obtain, People to please, Job to get, Money to earn, Car to buy, loans to repay, People to please, Bills to pay, Responsibilities to fulfill, etc etc etc… and this is the reality of our lives! But then… is this truly the ‘reality’ of our lives or is it a ‘reality’ we have been told to practice for ourselves because someone else before us did it this way??

Connecting with the universe or being attentive to the signs in no way means you need to lead a nomad’s life! You still have to work hard and be honest and stay sincere and love passionately.

However, if you do manage to separate the wheat from the chaff and live your life at a pace it is intended to… you’ll be surprised how the universe shall reveal itself to you… through signs and messages that are meant exclusively for you.

Having reflected on my life as a whole I was amazed to see how the universe has indeed been guiding me. Certain co-incidences- as I still look at them- I realized were nature’s way to let me know that I was being looked after. Having realized this and thus consciously having been trying to take note of certain recent developments in my life, I cannot help but acknowledge that these “signs” actually… do exist!

It is only up to us now to break away from the rut we have been programmed to call life and be open to read these signs… that have been sent by the universe… for us. 

Know me through my choices!

Youniverse Personality TestYouniverse Personality Test