Sunday, October 31, 2010

What do u make of this?

Building character sketches is one of the tasks that one has to engage in as a writer on a regular basis. As and when I indulge in the same, I make sure that my characters don’t turn out cardboard like as in complete black or white but rather stay grey as people are in real life. That is what I used to believe until I met this woman whose character brief I shall layout below and leave it onto you to decipher as to what I should make of it-

The said female has compelled her husband to migrate oversees because she looks down upon the poor country she was born into and does not wish to stay here! That also explains why at places wherever possible she claims herself to be a US citizen although she is not! Now before migrating however she got home couple of pet dogs whom she has conveniently left behind to be cared for by her daughter. She has sent her son to Europe for higher studies so that she can move in with him once he is done with his education. In between cribbing about her health -which is hale and hearty -she takes foreign holidays to countries exotic and expensive. However there is no money to put up curtains in the house or knobs on the bathroom doors back home in India where the young daughter resides alone!

As and when the esteemed lady comes down to India which usually is for some paper work and nothing more her daughter is not supposed to leave the house and is supposed to stay at her beck and call 24*7 to get everything from food to water while the mother sits before the computer and monitors her son through web cam, a la Big Boss!!! It goes without saying that the dogs she has so lovingly bought are never taken for a walk, given food or bathed by this large hearted animal loving lady but yes if the dogs do not show affection to her then she does hold the daughter responsible for ‘instigating’ the dogs against her in her absence!

At one point of time I recollect being told that her highness was cribbing endlessly because her husband who was in the middle of work crisis and was on a con call did not look for her when she hid herself behind the sofa!! It made no sense to her that she should not have been playing such quirky games when her husband was going through a crisis at work!

The latest feather to her illustrious hat is that she has secured her daughters facebook password and changed the daughters’ relationship status to single without informing her daughter as the guy has not managed to impress her enough. It does not matter of course that her daughter may be happy with the guy or above all else the daughter should have the right to work out her love life by herself. But alas…

Such is the sketch of the character I simply fail to see any good in. It defies my understanding of the fact that people are not all black or white in real life. Now only if you can help me see another shade in this case, I shall be more than happy.

1 comment:

Nash said...

I have an inkling of who you might be talking about, and all I can say is it is our duty to show sympathy towards the mentally-ill.

Know me through my choices!

Youniverse Personality TestYouniverse Personality Test